9696-600-700, 8872-198-500

( Approved consultant by Government of Punjab ) ( Registered by Government of India )


  • Cyprus is known as the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Both Cyprus & Greece have the same national anthem , i.e known as Hymn to Liberty.
  • Cyprus was also the mythical birthplace of one of the most famous Greek Gods – Aphrodite
  • Cyprus is one of the oldest wine producing countries in the world
  • Cyprus’ beaches have been continuously named the most cleanest in Europe for the past decade
  • Cyprus’ capital of Nicosia was oldest and largest city of Cyprus
  • The world’s oldest perfume in the world was discovered in Cyprus
  • The official language is Greek and English , but most young Cypriots speak English
  • Its national symbol is a (very shy) sheep. It’s the national symbol, but you may never see it
  • It has one of the lowest costs of living and very low crime rates, one sixth of the European average

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